Quarterly Performance Scorecards

Performance of HUD funded projects of the Greater Grand Traverse Area Continuum of Care (Mi-512) is closely monitored on a quarterly basis. The measures of performance are based on HUD System performance Measures and other best practices for the specific project type. Cumulative scores for each project over the course of the reporting period year will be used to rate HUD projects for the annual HUD Continuum of Care Program Competition. HUD requires each Continuum of Care to demonstrate the use of CoC Program required system performance measures to review project applications requesting CoC Program funding. The NWCEH has adopted and approved the use of the NWCEH CoC Program Project Performance Scorecard to meet this requirement from HUD and to serve as a portion of the project rating during the annual HUD CoC Program Competition. The scorecard is only used for PH, TH and SSO projects.


  • The HUD CoC Program Project Performance Scorecard (scorecard) makes up 65% of the total project rating during the HUD CoC Program Competition application process for renewal projects.

  • The scorecard must be completed and submitted to the NWCEH System Admin and the NWCEH Director every quarter for each project operating during the current HUD fiscal year.

  • Project recipients must follow the reporting deadlines listed below for each of their scorecard submissions. Failure to submit a scorecard on time could affect project scoring during the next funding competition.


Detailed instructions for how to run the Project Performance Scorecard Report in HMIS are available per project type using the links below.

Once the report has been run, download the report from HMIS and save it as an excel file to your computer. For CAPERs or APRs please print a PDF of the report. Per the instructions in the training videos please fill our your project’s performance scorecard. Submit the HMIS reports and completed scorecard via email to the NWCEH System Admin and the NWCEH Director: HMIS System Admin: Jayce Ashwill jaycea@goodwillnmi.org and NWCEH Director: Ashley Halladay-Schmandt ashley@endhomelessnessnmi.org. Once the reports are received, the HMIS System Admin will review for accuracy and completeness. The HMIS System Admin will reach out to the project manager with any corrections that need to be made to the scorecard. Scorecards will be reviewed quarterly during the NWCEH Data and Standards Meeting. Submission deadlines are listed below.



Project Scorecards and Instructions

  • Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

    Permanent supportive housing is a proven solution to homelessness for the most vulnerable chronically homeless people. It pairs housing with case management and supportive services.

    PSH Projects for our CoC: Woodmere, GTA Leasing and NMSH/WRC

  • Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

    Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed.

    RRH projects for our COC: RRH for Pregnant and Parenting Youth, RRH for Individual Youth, RRH for Adults

  • Diversion

    Diversion is an intervention designed to immediately address the needs of someone who has just lost their housing and become homeless. Diversion is a client-driven approach; its goal is to help the person or household find safe alternative housing immediately, rather than entering shelter or experiencing unsheltered homelessness.

    Diversion projects in our COC: Youth Diversion

  • Street Outreach

    Effective street outreach reaches people who might not otherwise seek assistance or come to the attention of the homelessness service system and ensures that people’s basic needs are met while supporting them along pathways toward housing stability.

    Street Outreach projects for our COC: Youth Street Outreach, Adult Street Outreach. SAFAH (family outreach).